The 2025 BRIT Challenge started on
25th January 2025 & will finish on 25th December 2025
Registration is open for universities, colleges, specialist colleges and Students' Unions to enter teams in the BRIT Challenge.
The 2025 BRIT Challenge will take place between
25th January 2025 and 25th December 2025.
Universities and colleges have shared advice on some of the best ways to embrace the annual BRIT Challenge and bring their whole university or college together to fundraise, engage students and staff of all abilities, and raise positive awareness of mental health and suicide prevention.
The BRIT Challenge - an inclusive whole institution wellbeing initiative
BRIT remains determined to drive change to;
Improve the wellbeing of students and staff of all abilities.
Champion inclusion.
Complement existing University, College, Specialist College, and SU, Health and Wellbeing Strategies.
Inspire volunteering and fundraising throughout the UK and assist with social good.
Providing flexibility to take on the BRIT Challenge to suit your institution and student body
The BRIT Challenge has continued to evolve by listening to, and engaging with, students and staff throughout the UK. By providing flexibility we are enabling every institution and SU to decide;
When they take part during 2025.
What inclusive wellbeing activities they will offer to engage students and staff of all abilities.
Who (local, regional, and national charities) they raise funds for, alongside BRIT.
How they can connect with, and contribute to the health, wellbeing, and sustainability, of the wider community (Volunteering and Acts of Kindness in the community).
Our Founder has visited over 900 universities, colleges, specialist colleges, schools, communities and institutions. This has enabled BRIT to gain valuable knowledge and experience from students and staff of the many ways that universities, colleges and Students' Unions support charities and embrace our BRIT Challenges.
We know that every university, college and Students' Union has a wealth of energy and determination when fundraising for charities and their alumni, philanthropic networks and professional resources often compliment the great ideas, activities, enthusiasm and team-spirit of their student bodies. Our annual BRIT Challenge is designed to unite the goodwill of every UK university, college and Students' Union and invite them to have a collectively powerful impact.
Advice from universities and colleges has enabled us to design the BRIT Challenge and ensure it is flexible for every university, college and Students' Union so they can make their unique contribution as successful as possible in supporting young adult mental health. Over the past four years, over 530 university and college teams have taken part in our BRIT Challenges.
A whole university or college approach to mental health has been the most successful way to increase participation and raise funds.
Here are three tips when taking on your BRIT Challenge;

Team Participation - One team or multiple teams
Some universities and colleges will adopt a one team approach to taking on the BRIT Challenge, whereas others may wish to enter multiple teams. This flexibility and choice enables different campuses, colleges and departments or Students' Union sport teams, clubs, societies and groups to enter their own teams.
Reaching your distance target
Our aspiration is for as many students, and staff, as possible to be encouraged to take part as a team to improve their mental health and fitness. Students and staff can complete as many miles as they want to, on campus or at home, and send images of their activity, and distance reached, on social media or by the university, college or SU offering an App or website page.

With so many competing priorities for Vice Chancellors, College Principals, and SU Sabbatical Officers, the BRIT Challenge must have an attractive proposition for Leadership Teams that;
Complements existing MH strategies and support a whole university/college approach to wellbeing.
Delivers an inclusive UK-wide opportunity for universities and colleges to deliver a wide range of wellbeing activities to engage students and staff of all abilities.
Provides a platform to bring students and staff together to improve their MH; assist with destigmatising MH; and raise awareness of what matters to them (EDI, Disability Inclusion, LGBTQI+).
Encourages Volunteering and Acts of Kindness that can provide evidence of social good, community support, and personal development (contributing to the health, wellbeing, and sustainability, of the wider community). We also hope this will support University and College Staff Volunteering Policies and Civic Duty.
Champions the Disabled Student Commitment.
Higher Education
Champions and promotes best practice including Healthy Universities (embedding health and sustainability) the University Mental Health Charter and Student Space from Student Minds. Over the past five years, along with other MH Charities, we have built a special relationship with Student Minds. We hope that, by signposting universities and colleges to The University Mental Health Charter Framework through our BRIT Regional Steering Groups, we can help to both initiate policy change and share some outstanding resources to assist institutions, and students and staff, who are delivering wellbeing initiatives.
The BRIT Challenge can assist universities with evidence to support The Charter’s themes that are mapped against the 4 domains and enabling themes of the UUK Mentally Healthy Universities model. For example; Information Sharing within the Support Domain (BRIT Regional Steering Groups), Staff Wellbeing within the Work Domain, Proactive Interventions and a mentally health environment within the Live Domain, and Student voice and participation, Cohesiveness of support across the provider, and Inclusivity and intersectional mental health within the Enabling Themes Domain.
Tertiary, Further, and Specialist, College Education
Providing evidence for Ofsted (Personal Development) in England, Education Scotland’s How good is our college? Quality Framework, and Estyn in Wales.
Partnering with GOOD FOR ME GOOD FOR FE to enable colleges to measure the impact of their volunteering and Acts of Kindness in the community.
Enabling the opportunity to support strategies and raise awareness of issues that matter to them. For example; EDI; LGBTQI+; Anti-Racism; the Disabled Student Commitment; Staff MH; and Suicide Prevention.
Promote Volunteering and Fundraising (for local, regional, and national charities, alongside BRIT).
Supporting Land-based Colleges and Construction-based Colleges (mindful of the high levels of mental health challenges within the farming and construction industries).
Complementing the AoC and Colleges Wales MH strategies and campaigns (including the AoC’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Charter and Love Our Colleges campaign). We hope that evidence of their member’s engagement in the BRIT Challenge can assist with both college funding strategies (for securing roles such as Active Wellbeing Officers, Enrichment Officers and MH Provision) and displaying the positive impact of colleges within their communities.
Complementing the Colleges Scotland and College Development Network (CDN) MH strategies (including the CDN’s #LoveScotlandsColleges campaign). We hope the BRIT Challenge will assist Scottish Colleges as community anchors, with student retention, and provide evidence for How Good is Your College? internal quality arrangements. We are sincerely grateful to CDN for sharing the West Lothian College and CDN Research and Enhancement Centre’s Pathways from Poverty report and the CDN’s College Leadership in the Pandemic Report – Learning from Crisis.
Enabling Natspec Colleges to use the BRIT Challenge to raise funds for their own charities and, by listening to Natspec, promoting inclusive Natspec Games activities that learners can participate in; and supporting the Education & Training Foundation’s Centres for Excellence in SEND.
Provide an opportunity for Leadership Teams to work closely with the Student Body by creating internal BRIT Challenge Coordination Groups to engage students and staff across the whole institution. For a whole college approach to improve wellbeing, we hope the BRIT Challenge will continue to assist Managers of Student Services, Outreach Officers, Enrichment Officers, and Student Representatives responsible for Welfare, Activities, and Community, alongside College Staff Wellbeing Leads, as part of the curriculum.
Has the ability to assist with their Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategies.
Is an opportunity to measure impact (on both social good and improving student and staff wellbeing and personal development) that can be useful evidence both internally and externally.
BRIT Challenge Coordination Group Composition
Year on Year we have seen an increase in participation; over 530 universities and colleges have embraced the BRIT Challenge. Many BRIT Challenge Coordinators have shared that they; struggled to engage key departments; had inadequate resources to implement a whole university or college approach; and felt there are other local/regional health, wellbeing, fundraising, and community initiatives, often led by other departments, that could easily be combined with their BRIT Challenge aims to have a much greater impact.
The most successful way to embrace the BRIT Challenge is through a whole university/college and SU approach with a BRIT Challenge Coordination Group comprised of key individuals including;
Leads for Student Engagement/Experience (member of the Senior Management Team).
Students’ Union (Welfare, Activities and Volunteering Officers).
Student Services / Student Enrichment.
Heads of Faculties/Departments and Campuses (including Sport and Wellbeing).
Head of Comms and a Lead for Fundraising.
The theme of 25 for the BRIT Challenge in 2025
BRIT will share the many innovative ways that institutions are participating in order to inspire other universities and colleges to embrace the BRIT Challenge. For example, in 2025, many institutions are planning to complete 25 Acts of Kindness in Community alongside both fundraising activity (raising £2500) and engaging students and staff in a wide range of 25 inclusive wellbeing activities over 25 days.
Many universities, colleges, and their Students' Unions/Associations, have decided to deliver their BRIT Challenge activities and split them into three separate areas;
25 Inclusive Wellbeing Activities (split across the institution with, for example, Sport and Active Wellbeing delivering 10 activities, the Students' Union delivering 5 activities, Student Services/Wellbeing delivering 5 activities, and other departments/faculties/campuses delivering the remaining 5 activities.
25 Acts of Kindness in the Community (Leadership Teams and Students' Unions are asking departments and course representatives to come up with 25 Acts of Kindness in the community and promoting the opportunity to volunteer and participate with their students and staff.
Setting a fundraising target to raise funds for BRIT and a local, regional, or national, charity (£2500 or for larger institutions, £25,000). Many are asking Leadership Teams to host business leaders or approach contractors on campus, local businesses, and local employers, to match fund or support them by donating around the theme of 25 (£250 or £2500).
Inclusive Wellbeing Activities
Sport Departments and Sports Clubs/Socieites are delivering many physical wellbeing activities including;
25 hour Sport Challenges (Tennis, Badminton, Rowing, Swimming, Rugby, Football. Netball etc.) to encourage as many students and staff to come together during a 25 hour period and try out different activities.
Setting team distance targets (2025 will be, for example, 25,000 or 2,025 miles) by either hand-cycling, cycling, wheelchair pushing, swimming, walking, jogging, running, rowing or paddling (canoeing, kayaking or paddle-boarding) with students and staff adding distance to the overall target.
Art, Music, and Creative Media Departments, and Students are planning;
A 25 hour art competition to create works of art around mind and movement that destigmatises mental health that are then exhibited, auctioned to raise funds, or donated to local hospices, care homes, and community groups.
Music Concerts and Dance Competitions to attract students and staff to attend, support and have fun.
Universities, Colleges, and Students' Unions, are planning to deliver a wealth wellbeing activities including;
Meditation, Mindfullness, and Yoga.
Drawing, Colouring and Sculpting.
Taking 25 minutes out of the working day to look after everyone's wellbeing and to try a wellbeing activity.
Lunchtime Staff and Student walks and wheelchair push activities.
Our aspiration is for as many students, and staff, as possible to be encouraged to join their university or college team. The bigger the team, the more funds will be raised for charity.
Bringing together a BRIT Challenge Coordination Group was an approach used by many universities and colleges on our previous, UK-wide, BRIT Challenges to ensure that students and staff were integral to organising their event and there was engagement across the whole institution to promote student and staff participation.
As you will see, the BRIT Challenge can embrace any activity that promotes health, fitness and wellbeing.
We are inviting the 5 million students, and staff, at every UK university and college to unite with us in support of young adult and student mental health.
Reaching your fundraising target
Every university and college has the flexibility to set its own fundraising target. If every UK university and college raised £2,024, together they would raise almost £1million for local, regional and national charities, alongside BRIT. The more students, and staff, taking part, the greater awareness and funds will be raised. We hope students and staff will raise as much as they can.
The BRIT Challenge encourages as many students, and staff, to take part and unite in support of young adult mental health.
Larger universities and colleges may wish to enter more than one team to involve as many students, and staff, as possible. Smaller universities, colleges and specialist colleges may wish to enter just one team to complete their distance target.
Examples of how universities and colleges reached their distance targets in previous BRIT Challenges are;
One student or staff member completing one mile each for their team - encouraging 2,500 students and staff to take part
The Students' Union challenging their university or college staff to reach their own 2,500 mile target
Dividing the 25,000 or 2,500 miles between campuses, colleges or departments
Student Sports Clubs or Societies sharing the miles to encourage wide participation (swimming club taking 100 miles, netball team taking 100 miles etc.)
Promoting Inclusivity and Adaptive Sports (hand-cycling, adaptive rowing and wheelchair accessibility)
Encouraging students and staff to send images of their hand-cycling, cycling, wheelchair pushing, swimming, walking, jogging, running, rowing or paddling (canoeing, kayaking or paddle-boarding) activity and miles completed on Instagram or Twitter to raise awareness
Each university, college, specialist college and Students' Union can decide on a how many teams take part, however if all 450 HE and FE institutions encouraged 2,500 students and staff to take part, raised a minimum of £2,500 each throughout the UK, together we would raise almost £1million for local, regional and national charities, alongside BRIT.
Any number of teams can take part in the annual BRIT Challenge and the bigger the team, the more funds are likely to be raised for our partner mental health charities.
From experience, we know that some universities and colleges will decide to enter one team for the whole organisation, whereas others may decide to enter multiple teams for each campus, department or Students' Union sports team, club or society.
Universities and colleges have advised us that if more than one team takes part, it is less confusing if everyone uses one central Fundraising Page (so the same link is used on websites & social media).
Here are some examples of how universities and colleges reached their fundraising targets;
Every student and staff member completes one mile and raises £1
Approaching their varsity competitors to challenge them to see who can raise the most
Engaging their alumni to donate and support their fundraising target
Asking local businesses and corporations to match what they raise
The Students' Union challenging the university/college staff and they raise £2,500 together or £1,250 separately (£2,500)
Asking their VC or College Principal to encourage business partners or sponsors to donate or match fund
Each university, college, specialist college and Students' Union can decide on a fundraising target, however if all 450 HE and FE institutions raised a minimum of £2500 each throughout the BRIT Challenge, together we would raise almost £1m for local, regional and national charities, alongside BRIT.
Once your university, college, specialist college or Students' Union has registered and you Team Coordinator has set up your Team's Fundraising Page, the link can be shared as part of your fundraising campaign.
Below are a few examples of BRIT Challenge successes;
One example of how to record your university or college team distance is by using Google Forms.
Jon Nottingham, the Active Wellbeing Lead at Bridgend College, has very kindly recorded a video with instructions of how to use Google Forms. Your Team Coordinator can set up a Team Form that can be shared with your students and staff. They can then submit their distance covered/activity and this can be collated centrally to record your team distance.
Jon has also kindly created two Template Forms; one in English and one Bilingual (English/Welsh). These links will allow other BRIT Challenge Team Coordinators to make a copy of the form, amend the Team Name, Logo and Questions, and save a copy for their University/College Team.
John has given instructions on how to personalise the form, how to send it to students and staff, and how to collate responses.
"Student and staff health & wellbeing is a priority at Bridgend College. We promote Active Wellbeing as one of the core elements of looking after physical and mental health.
BRIT does an amazing job with the annual BRIT Challenge to unite young people across the UK and we are inspired by the vision of the organisation to grow and develop. We support BRIT due to the inclusive nature of the challenge; all students and staff can get involved. It is great to initiate conversations about the importance of physical activity on our health and talking about mental health within our College but also in the wider community."
Jon Nottingham
Active Wellbeing Lead / Arweinydd Lies Gweithredol
Bridgend College / Coleg Penybont